The party escapes from the mountain and heads back to Sumbar with Scheherazade in tow.
Allan Henry as the Dungeon Master
Harriet Prebble as Lor Maros
James Cain as Balthazar Hinds
Maisie Thursfield as Shasta
David Bowers Mason as Gigi
We use the following music on the stream:
"Chee Zee Caves V2", "Dark Standoff", "Epic Unease", "For Originz", "Industrial Revolution", "Intrepid", "Invariance", "Lord of the Land", "Malicious", "Night Vigil", "Ossuary 6 - Air", "Pippin the Hunchback", "Ritual", "Satiate", "Shadowlands 2 - Bridge", "Shamanistic", "Soaring", "Strength of the Titans", "Teller of the Tales", "The Pyre", "Unanswered Questions", "Unlight", "Virtutes Instrumenti"
Background music by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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