We have discussed institutions of higher learning in another podcast, but today, we will discuss graduating high school students who may have had enough of school—at least for now. A son is not sure if he wants to go to college. A daughter thinks she wants to be a dentist, a hairdresser, or a chef but is unsure what these entail. Today, let's talk about how to help those kids.
Show Notes:
Some kids are great students and have plans and professional aspirations. BUT
College is now the default for many families, but should they reconsider?
- Cost is prohibitive.
- Campus life is less than wholesome.
- Is Junior or Sis ready to leave home?
- Do your grad’s aspirations require college?
What should they do? Some possibilities
Get a Job - You cannot go wrong with taking a year off to think about your future and earn some money.
· Build "employment skills." Show up on time, Learn to take orders from a superior, navigate a workplace, and stay off your phone.
· Test Drive a job in a field your student is considering: Front desk at a hair salon or dental office, carpenter's helper, restaurant host.
· Learn Money Skills - Build a bank account, buy and insure a car.
Go into the Military
- Great benefits - Job training and after discharge: Free education - Low-cost mortgages
- Learn teamwork - Hard work - Physical fitness - Discipline
- Travel on the government's dime.
Take Time to Build a Spiritual Life
Frequent Mass and Confession - Get regular spiritual direction - Go on retreat
Volunteer in your Community
Church: altar server, lector, choir, teach CCD – Scouts – Help an elderly neighbor
Homeschooling Resources
Seton Home Study School
Seton Testing Services