
  • You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog
    Mar 3 2025

    "The Tanners take in a stray dog, much to ALF's dismay. "

    It's big guest name time as Anne Ramsay from "The Goonies" and "Throw Momma From The Train" appears as an unscrupulous dog purchaser several months before her early passing. She does not look well throughout but still overshadows Ben Baker and John Matthews who look like stuttering tramps next to her acting chops.

    If you want to help us pay for a dog, perhaps consider joining the Orbit Guard. You'll get a tons of bonus stuff and keep this here show on the air. Visit⁠⁠⁠ https://www.patreon.com/ALFsplainingExtra⁠⁠⁠ for more.

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    36 mins
  • We Gotta Get Out of This Place - with Nina Buckley
    Feb 24 2025

    "ALF moves in with his blind friend Jody in her condo."

    Remember Blind Jody? Well, she's back - in....well, still blind form but she needs a place to stay and apparently that means only one man. Or alien. Perfect hostsBen BakerandJohn Matthews have laid out the best silverware too for their houseguestNina "Buckers" Buckley who shocks everyone by already being a massive ALF fan!

    Find her being very funny here on Bluesky.

    And listen to her ORIGINAL IP DO NOT STEAL podcast Reclining Pair here.

    And if you want to help us drink our weight in Shasta Cola, perhaps consider joining the Orbit Guard. You'll get a tons of bonus stuff and keep this here show on the air. Visit⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/ALFsplainingExtra⁠⁠⁠ for more.

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    39 mins
  • Someone to Watch Over Me (Part 2)
    Feb 17 2025

    "ALF spots a criminal by his neighbor's house, and walks inside to investigate."

    We left Ben and John on a cliffhanger - our first of the series but far from its last - with ALF trapped Chez Ochmonek as the Police close in on him. How will Willie get him out of this one? And who'll get Willie out too? Its an exciting one so fetch your popcorn and a gunbelt as its time to visit a very strange episode of ALF indeed...

    And if you want to help us pay for tear gas, perhaps consider joining the Orbit Guard. You'll get a tons of bonus stuff and keep this here show on the air. Visit⁠⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/ALFsplainingExtra⁠⁠⁠ for more.

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    37 mins
  • Someone to Watch Over Me (Part 1)
    Feb 10 2025

    "Willie is chosen by the neighborhood to lead a neighborhood watch. But ALF takes control of the radio and starts to talk as if he was Willie."

    There's a crime spree going down and ALF is the man to fix the pus-ridden streets of Hemdale. Ben Baker and John Matthews go ahead and make his day in this unusual two-part opener which occasionally feels like a totally different sitcom alltogether. And the less said about Pat Benatar Jnr the better...

    And if you want to help us pay for walkie talkies and binocular wear, perhaps consider joining the Orbit Guard. You'll get a tons of bonus stuff and keep this here show on the air. Visit ⁠⁠https://www.patreon.com/ALFsplainingExtra⁠⁠ for more.

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    37 mins
  • We're So Sorry, Uncle Albert
    Jan 27 2025

    "Willie's Uncle Albert visits the Tanners, and collapses from a heart attack after getting a glimpse of the alien, causing ALF to feel grief thinking he caused the death"

    More murder from the Melmacian mofo? Gosh! Best get an expert in the field over! Call for Paul Abbott from The Big Beatles and Sixties Sort Out for this McCartney-music monikered episode. He'll help Ben Baker and John Matthews sort the dead men from the dead boys! This one gets dark and its entirely the fault of Paul Fusco!

    And if you want to help preserve the body of ALFSplaining, perhaps consider joining the Orbit Guard. You'll get a tons of bonus stuff and keep this here show on the air. Visit ⁠https://www.patreon.com/ALFsplainingExtra⁠ for more.

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    41 mins
  • Can I Get A Witness
    Jan 13 2025

    "ALF is put on trial for breaking the Ockmonecks' window."

    All rise for ALFsplaining….it's the court case of the century!

    Can Shumway, G prove his innocence to prosecutor Tanner, Wilbus in the court of Judge Kate? In the reporters box, Ben Baker and John Matthews scrawl crude things in their notebooks as they consider pivoting the whole show to a crime caper in order to improve the flagging ratings. Now dats moider!

    And if you want to help us clear this spatter, perhaps consider joining the Orbit Guard. You'll get a tons of bonus stuff and keep this here show on the air. Visit ⁠https://www.patreon.com/ALFsplainingExtra⁠ for more.

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    39 mins
  • The Boy Next Door
    Jan 6 2025

    "ALF befriends Trevor and Raquel's nephew Jake from New York."

    A replacement for Brian? Surely not! (we didnt kill him) Either way, wonder writers Al Jean and Mike Reiss are on scripting duties to introduce a new Ochmonek to the party so Ben and John will be coming the episode for Simpsons-style jokes. And for nits like usual. Obvs.

    And if you want to fix our telescope, perhaps consider joining the Orbit Guard. You'll get a tons of bonus stuff and keep this here show on the air. Visit ⁠https://www.patreon.com/ALFsplainingExtra⁠ for more.

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    39 mins
  • ALF's Special Christmas
    Dec 16 2024

    Oh boy, we finally made it to the most famous ALF episode of the lot - for good reasons, you may ask? Ha ha, no. Of course not. This is a double-length but largely joke-free misery festival full of suicidal Santas and sick kids by the pound. In the midst of it all John Matthews tries to remain positive whilst Ben Baker is already on the egged nog.

    Listen out for some special seasonal guests and a lot of tinsel Tanner tut as we shuffle through this bumper edition like all your festive favourites. Is there any goodness in there though? Tune in now and find out...

    And if you want to give us a "special" "Christmas", perhaps consider joining the Orbit Guard. You'll get a tons of bonus stuff and keep this here show on the air. Visit ⁠https://www.patreon.com/ALFsplainingExtra⁠ for more.

    Thank you! And Merry Christmas! We'll be back on Jaunary 6th.

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    1 hr and 7 mins