<Description>After the last episode with Takuro about the history of the mindfulness practice. In this episode we continue to dive deeper into the 3 common misconceptions that people have on mindfulness. We hope that after this episode, you will have a better understanding on what mindfulness is about and what are the realistic benefits one can receive from a regular mindfulness practice.
- Mini-talk session: Takuro’s view on the most important quality for yoga teachers
- Misconception 1: “Mindfulness is about emptying your mind."
- Misconception 2: “Mindfulness originated from the West."
- Misconception 3: “Mindfulness is a remedy for all wellness problems.”
- Realistic benefits of a regular mindfulness practice
- ミニトークコーナー:拓郎さんが考える「ヨガの指導者としての最も重要な資質」とは?
- 誤解1:「マインドフルネスとは頭を空っぽにすることである」
- 誤解2:「マインドフルネスは欧米由来のものである」
- 誤解3:「マインドフルネスは万能薬である」
- 定期的なマインドフルネスの実践がもたらす現実的な効果
Main host: Sandra(@sandrafangyoga)
Co-host: HIDEMI(@_hue_color)
Special guest: Takuro Tanimoto(@takuro_tanimoto)
Design & Editing: Sadao(@sadao76)