About mindfulness, many people have heard of this term and probably know a thing or two about it. Especially people who practice yoga regularly might be quite familiar with this term. But, most people don’t know and can not explain the history of mindfulness, like who started it, when it began, and how it became so popular even in the western countries. In this episode, we invited Tanimoto Takuro to Yoga Off the Mat again to give us a lecture about the history of mindfulness.
- Mini-talk corner: quick answer game - What makes Takuro relaxed and calm when feeling stressed
- The difference between pure mindfulness and clinical mindfulness
- The historical background of the roots of mindfulness
- How mindfulness became well-known in America
- How mindfulness spread to Japan
- Sandra’s view on how yoga & mindfulness practice overlap
- Takuro’s view on the similarities and differences between zazen & mindfulness meditation practice
- ミニトークコーナー:クイックアンサーゲーム「拓郎さんがストレスを感じた時、リラックスのためにするなら?」
- ピュアマインドフルネスと臨床マインドフルネスの違い
- マインドフルネスのルーツとなる歴史的背景
- マインドフルネスがアメリカで広まった経緯
- マインドフルネスが日本で広まった経緯
- サンドラの考えるマインドフルネスとヨガの実践の共通点
- 拓郎さんの考える坐禅とマインドフルネス瞑想の類似点と相違点
Main host: Sandra(@sandrafangyoga)
Co-host: HIDEMI(@_hue_color)
Special guest: Takuro Tanimoto(@takuro_tanimoto)
Design & Editing: Sadao(@sadao76)