It really feels like Abraham with never learn. How can this account possibly shed light on Abraham’s prior deception? What does this mean for the child of promise? What’s God doing in all of this? Josh, Brendan, and Tori explore what looks like a replay of Abraham’s journey to Egypt.
Key Words
- nabi (נָבִיא) - spokesman, speaker, prophet
- palal (פָלַל) - to intervene, interpose
- kesuth (כְּסוּת) - a covering (vindication)
- yakach (יָכַח) - to decide, adjudge, prove
- Abimelech (אֲבִימֶלֶךְ) - My Father Is King
- Bible Hub
- Abarim Publications
- The Free Dictionary: Go South
Looking to go deeper?
- William Schlegel's Satellite Bible Atlas: Historical Geography of the Bible Second Edition
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We seek to read the Bible with fresh eyes to understand God on His terms.