• Activating Net Zero | Innovate
    Sep 27 2023
    Innovation has provided much of technology and expertise we have to deal with much of the emissions, if applied correctly. However, with more of the world’s investors realising the risk and opportunity associated with building a Net Zero economy, in discussion with Anthesis CEO Stuart McLachlan, we look at the role Anthesis Ventures is playing in bringing new ways of thinking and ground-breaking technologies to the market.
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    13 mins
  • Activating Net Zero | Invest
    Sep 27 2023
    It is increasingly recognised that organisations are likely to continue to emit residual emissions from operations and their supply chains. But to achieve a Net Zero position, action must be taken which balances this out through off-site mechanisms through removing or avoiding emissions elsewhere. In this episode, our host Tobias Parker talks with Nadège Trocellier, Anthesis Lavola Climate Change Manager, about insetting and offsetting carbon emissions as investment vehicles for reducing risk, and improving value chain performance.
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    6 mins
  • Activating Net Zero | Reduce
    Sep 27 2023
    Energy efficiency and renewable energy form big parts of any organisation’s Net Zero strategy. But heat and embodied carbon in materials are two aspects of Scopes 1, 2 & 3 greenhouse gases that can be challenging to overcome. In this episode, our host Tobias Parker talks to Ben Lynch, Anthesis UK Director, about the new trends that are emerging for low carbon heat.
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    12 mins
  • Activating Net Zero | Avoid
    Sep 27 2023
    The best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to avoid them in the first place through better design and smarter decision-making. We talk with Sara Telahoun, Senior Consultant in Anthesis UK to explore how cities and governments are moving towards Net Zero by utilising digital platforms such as Anthesis’ SCATTER tool to explore pathways for decarbonising at the city scale.
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    8 mins
  • Activating Net Zero | Ep 4: Innovate Part 1
    Sep 27 2023
    Through our Activating Net Zero podcast series, we explore - in bitesize episodes - what a ‘Net Zero’ performance means, and how organisations can break this down into manageable actions, through our Activating Net Zero framework. Innovation has provided much of technology and expertise we have to deal with much of the emissions, if applied correctly. However, with more of the world’s investors realising the risk and opportunity associated with building a Net Zero economy, in discussion with Anthesis CSO Paul Crewe, we look at the role that Anthesis Ventures plays in bringing new ways of thinking and ground-breaking technologies to the market.
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    7 mins
  • Activating Net Zero | Ep 3: Invest Part 1
    Sep 27 2023
    Through our Activating Net Zero podcast series, we explore - in bitesize episodes - what a ‘Net Zero’ performance means, and how organisations can break this down into manageable actions, through our Activating Net Zero framework. It is increasingly recognised that organisations are likely to continue to emit residual emissions from operations and their supply chains. But to achieve a Net Zero position, action must be taken which balances this out through off-site mechanisms through removing or avoiding emissions elsewhere. In this episode, our host Tobias Parker takes a look at the roles of Virtual Power Purchase Agreements with George Favaloro, Anthesis Executive Director in North America.
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    14 mins
  • Activating Net Zero | Ep 2: Reduce Part 1
    Sep 27 2023
    Through our Activating Net Zero podcast series, we explore - in bitesize episodes - what a ‘Net Zero’ performance means, and how organisations can break this down into manageable actions, through our Activating Net Zero framework. In this episode, our host Tobias Parker talks to Alexandre Lemille, Joint Managing Director of Anthesis France, to explore the increasing importance of circularity in avoiding and reducing emissions by being smarter in the design process.
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    15 mins
  • Activating Net Zero | Ep 1: Avoid Part 1
    Sep 27 2023
    Through our Activating Net Zero podcast series, we explore - in bitesize episodes - what a ‘Net Zero’ performance means, and how organisations can break this down into manageable actions, through our Activating Net Zero framework. The best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to avoid them in the first place through better design and smarter decision-making. We talk with Josh Whitney, Anthesis Executive Director in North America, to explore how corporations, cities and governments are moving towards Net Zero using information incorporating Science Based Targets in strategy.
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    11 mins