Welcome back y'all to Adjacent!
Meet our friend Cassidy Mora as we reminisce about the good ole Tap 24 days, her quiet life in Memphis!
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Great ways to support out Podcast
Adjacent Friend $100
Gets you a Shirt, Hat, Stickers, Magnet, 2 Postcards & Mention on the Podcast
Adjacent Friend with Benefits s250
Gets you Brunch for 1 with Jody & Shelly at Better Half Shirt, Hat, Stickers, Magnet, 2 Postcards & Mention on the Podcast
Adjacent Friends with Benefits that likes Margaritas $500
Gets you Lunch for you and guest with Jody & Shelly at Matts Shirt, Hat, Stickers, Magnet, 2 Postcards & Mention on the Podcast
Adjacent Friends with Benefits that likes Really Good Margaritas $1000
Dinner for you and guest with Jody & Shelly at Fonda 2 Shirts, 2Hat, Stickers, Magnet, 2 Postcards & Mention on the Podcast
Adjacent Big Baller Friend with Benefits that has something to say! $ 10000
You can co host with us for a 3 part series on a Topic of your choice that we approve (no politics) 2 Shirts, 2 Hats, Stickers, Magnet, 2 Postcards & Mention on the Podcast
Text Shelly 512.517.4532 or Email ssgrabe@gmail.com for more information
Adjacent Podcast is a ShodyMedia LLC production
Hosted by two sisters Jody Silvey Wynn & Shelly Silvey Grabe
Producer Jordan Cannon
Theme Song Cali Dwan
Adjacent Definition by Sylvia Couri
Artwork Sadie Schriftman
Theme of our show is two sisters sharing all the goodness we are Adjacent to. We will interviewing amazing humans, talking about Austin, Texas, Restaurants, Hiking, RVing, Airbnbs and loads of other fun topics! We would love for you to join us and share us with your friends and family! Send all of your comments to Shelly @ ssgrabe@gmail.com
Big Thanks to our Sponsors
JBGoodwin Realtors
A Team
Shody Media LLC
Toidi Industries