Chapter 19. "Kun Faya Kun" Sunday Night 8:00PM Release.
"All Topics"
01. Most powerful nations
02. A Swiss traveller
03. The Al-Khazneh complex
04. A strange nation
05. A strange fight
06. Unbeatable Arabs
07. The Nabateans
08. A folklore about Nabateans
09. The gladiator stadium
10. The gods of Petra
11. The end of Nabateans
12. The gods survived
13. Concept of Allah
14. Beginning of Idol worship
15. The idol of Dhul Khalsa
16. The idol of Hubal
17. The idol of Uzza
- But Parasti Kab Shuru Hui
Welcome to the 18th chapter of 40,000 of knowledge documentary series.
In this chapter I will tell you about a strange, powerful and a stubborn nation that lived in the ancient city of Petra (Jordan). Unconquered by Greeks and Romans, Fortified between strong rock mountains, Masters of water management system who committed the unforgivable crime of the idol worshipping.
Assalamo Alaikum, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research in Quran, Science, History & Archeology to show us and our children, How beautiful our God is.
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