Join us for a conversation all about Lilith and the reclamation of the stories of women who have been condemned (or forgotten) throughout history.
Yoreshet D'vorah Grenn, Ph.D is a lineage-holder of a female Kabbalist tradition, an En Kohenet/Hebrew priestess, and ordained Mashpi’ah/spiritual life coach and guide.
The Lilith Institute (founded by D’Vorah) and Yerusha are co-producing an online Symposium April 28 & 29: Wisdom of the Mothers: Celebrating Matriarchal and Matrilineal Spiritual Traditions. To register, go to The Lilith Institute page on Facebook for the Eventbrite link and list of presenters!
Insta gram @lilithinstitute
Prayer to the ancestors shared by D’Vorah from the Talking to Goddess Anthology and written by Carolyn Brandy
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Find Sue Ellens artwork at or connect with her on instagram @sue.ellen.parkinson. And the same goes for Savanna! Find more about her practices at or connect on instagram @savannabeing.