In this episode of The Edge, hosted by Scott Walker alongside Andy Walker, Michael Collins joins the discussion. Known for his work with ESPN and Sirius XM radio, Collins shares his unconventional journey from being a stand-up comedian to a caddie on the PGA Tour and eventually transitioning into a broadcasting career. The conversation delves into his experiences, the challenges he faced, and his philosophy on keeping the game fun and real. Collins also offers his perspective on necessary changes in professional golf, advocating for more inclusive practices and entertaining formats to attract wider audiences. The episode wraps up with a humorous anecdote segment and reflections on how Collins has helped reshape the perception of golf.
00:00 Introduction to The Edge
00:44 Meet Michael Collins
01:08 Michael's Journey to Golf
04:18 The Art of Caddying
07:58 The Mental Game of Golf
09:56 Michael's Caddying Adventures
14:10 The Psychology of Caddying
16:51 Michael's Early Caddying Days
22:45 Becoming the Czar of Golf
25:22 Exposing the Facade in Golf
25:48 Proposed Rule Changes in Professional Golf
26:29 Debate on Anchoring and Equipment Rules
28:26 Course Design and Long Ball Hitters
29:14 Liv vs. PGA Tour: The Ultimate Match
32:37 The Importance of Honesty in Golf
36:02 Foreplay Questions: Swing and Course Memories
42:01 Michael Collins on Changing the Game
47:35 Bars Exam and Final Thoughts
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.