In the 2024 Seamus Deane lecture, acclaimed novelist Amitav Ghosh, hosted by Field Day, the Derry Playhouse, and the School of Law, explores themes from his book 'The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis.' Ghosh places colonialism, the ecological, and cultural legacies of the West at the heart of understanding climate change, describing it as humanity's most profound cultural challenge. He intertwines Irish history with the story of the Banda Islands, highlighting the relentless exploitation and the resultant ecological crises, urging for a recognition of non-human agency and the political and moral urgency to address the climate catastrophe. With an Introduction by Stephen Rea. Thanks to Stephen Ray of Field Day, musician Neil Martin, Kevin Murphy of The Playhouse and his producer Gary McCrossan and the University of Notre Dame, Dublin