If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless it can be difficult knowing who to ask for a safe place to go. You don’t have to feel isolated, and there is no shame in asking for help. There are services that can point you to crisis accommodation and support, wherever you are. - 如果你或身邊認識的人遇到無家可歸、或面臨無家可歸的風險問題,可能很難知道應該向誰人,尋找一個安全落腳的地方。如果你不幸遇到這個情況,不需覺得被孤立,亦不需覺得尋求幫助而感到羞恥。在澳洲,無論你身處何地都有支援服務,可以幫助你在危機時找到一個臨時居所。在今集《解「識」澳洲》中會為大家詳細講解。