This campaign is a homebrewed campaign based on the Pacific Northwest circa 1900. This is a historical fantasy settings overlaying the states in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, and Idaho).
Episode – The Green Mile
After a couple of days in Portland following their own paths, the Tome and Blade have regrouped to aid Mijira in her search for her missing friend.
GM – Neel D
Aurelius Nibletoes, Stout Halfling Wizard\Transmuter - Robert
Alaiza, Tabaxi Wizard \ Order of the Scribe – Maya R
Ithildaer, High Elf Rogue\Swashbuckler – Scott R
Mijira, Amathyst Dragonborn Monk\Ascended Dragon – Chris R
Uthar, Goliath Palandin\Oath of Watchers – Brian B
Vaesk, Human Warlock\Hexblade – Irik R
If you like what you're hearing on the podcast, have any constructive criticism, or have any questions for the GM or players, you can contact us at the podcast email address: