• TRAINER'S EYE #138 - "Quagsire's Time Capsule" ft. Blue Moon Falls
    Mar 8 2025

    In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Blue Moon Fallas, a Pokemon Trainer and webmaster of Blue Moon Falls, a passion project fan site for Generations 1 and 2 Pokémon videogames, documenting information, lore, and sprites.

    Blue Moon Falls starts her Pokemon journey with Pokemon Leaf Green & FireRed. She is drawn immediately to the Pokemon and the world behind them. Her deep connection with Pokemon Mystery Dungeons allowed her to really grasp and understand Pokemon and the stories they develop before any interaction with a Pokemon Trainer.

    Blue Moon Falls reveals her life with disabilities and the misperception behind them. Diagnosed with autism, POTS, and DID, she reveals how her mind works and how Pokemon allowed her to connect with other individuals with similar stories.
    Pokemon allowed her the stepping stones to help build her life and is the catalyst for how she approaches life today.

    Blue Moon Falls delves into Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown. She shares the deep story the writers were telling in regards to loss and grief. She identifies with the tragic fate of Molly Hale and how she fears stepping into a future without parents and a preference to stay in the past. You don't want to miss this deep dive into this Pokemon movie!

    Finally, Blue Moon Falls dives into the origins of her website. She shares how she was inspired by her interest in documentation and creating a resource for Gen 2 sprites for Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Stadium!

    Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

    Connect with Blue Moon Falls: Website | Bluesky

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    42 mins
  • TRAINER'S EYE #137 - "Comraderie by Kommo-o's Clanging Scales" ft. V_Iced_Mocha
    Feb 27 2025

    In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by V_Iced_Mocha, a Pokemon Trainer who is a Shiny Hunter and streams his Pokemon journey on Twitch.

    V_Iced_Mocha starts his Pokemon journey by playing Pokemon Gold. Despite being young, he stills has fond memories of the game, but truly didn't understand Pokemon until he dived into the Pokemy Mystery Dungeon series. With these games, he found a touching story and representation for himself through Pokemon.

    V_Iced_Mocha continues to find connection by engaging with Pokemon fan games and attending Pokemon conventions in his native home of the Philippines. V_Iced_Mocha gives insight into the barriers many Philippine natives due to costs and how important mobile gaming is for helping them engage with Pokemon.

    Finally, V_Iced_Mocha touches on the community he has found through Pokemon and his reason for streaming on Twitch. Get ready for a touching story involving friendship and connection!

    Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

    Connect with V_Iced_Mocha: Twitch | Twitter

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    E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com

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    41 mins
  • TRAINERS EYE #136 - "Roar With Confidence Using Arcanine Energy" ft. Joey Lopez from Rockets Markets
    Feb 21 2025

    In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Joey Lopez, a Pokemon Trainer who co-owns Rockets Markets, a business who helps hosts and market events around Dallas-Fort Worth.

    Joey Lopez starts his journey with collecting Pokemon cards. Due to his family being heavily against Pokemon, Joey was left on the outside looking in as he watched his friends playing the Pokemon video games. Surprisingly, his parents finally grant him permission to play Pokemon, with his first ever game being Pokemon Soul Silver.

    Joey Lopez shares his motivation to be an entrepreneur and building up Rockets Markets and Trainer Con. He also gives insight into how he met his business partner and what he has learned along the way about hosting Pokemon events around the DFW area.

    Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

    Connect with RocketsMarkets: Website | Instagram

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    Connect with David Hernandez: Linktree
    E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com

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    34 mins
  • TRAINER'S EYE #135 - "Pokemon Trainers Over Billionaires" ft. The United States of America
    Feb 19 2025

    Let's chat about things. Pokemon included. Promise.

    Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay
    "Hostile Government Take Over (EDM Remix) @AGiftFromTodd"

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    Connect with David Hernandez: Linktree
    E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com

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    15 mins
  • TRAINER'S EYE #134 - "Finding Love By Drawing Pokemon Cards" ft. PenPeaches & NobleJanobii
    Feb 14 2025

    In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by both PenPeaches & NobleJanobii, a Pokemon Trainer couple who find their interest art by looking at the art of the Pokemon TCG.

    Both PenPeaches & NobleJanobii dive into their experience with Pokemon starting with Pokemon TCG before talking about Pokemon webcomics. They each talk about the community and how it led to them meeting each other. They also share their interest in the video games ranging from the Pokemon main series games to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series.

    Finally, PenPeaches & NobleJanobii give insight into some of their Pokemon art they have drawn and the inspiration behind each piece.

    Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

    Connect with NobleJanobii: Bluesky | Instagram
    Connect with Penpeaches:

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    E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com

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    41 mins
  • TRAINER'S EYE #133 - "Friendships Through Cyndaquil's Flame Wheel" ft. GoodraFTW
    Feb 12 2025

    In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by GoodraFTW, a Pokemon Trainer who is a part time content creator on Twitch and Youtube who hosts Shiny Showdown with his co-host LadyDunsparce!

    GoodraFTW starts his Pokemon journey playing Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen. He shares his early experience playing with his friends, despite his family against engaging with the franchise due to religious reasons. GoodraFTW would continue playing the games as he grew older.

    GoodraFTW shares his favorite region of Johto and what he loved about playing the second generation. He gives insight into the numerous Pokemon he fondly remembers, including his favorite one, and also gives insight into his eventual transition into the PokemonTCG from Yugioh.

    Finally, GoodraFTW shares his dabble into creating content and how he came up with the idea of Shiny Showdown. He connects how his value of friendship has kept him motivated to keep up with creating Pokemon content and how he has used content creators in the Yu-gi-oh space to influence his own ideas.

    Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

    Connect with GoodaFTW: Twitch | Twitter | Youtube

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    E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com

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    38 mins
  • TRAINER'S EYE #132 - "The Absol-ute Perfect Plan" ft. Caleb Hatfield from Rockets Markets
    Feb 10 2025

    In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Caleb Hatfield, a Pokemon Trainer who co-owns Rockets Markets, a business who helps hosts and market events around Dallas-Fort Worth.

    Caleb Hatfield starts his journey with Pokemon Blue and playing the Pokemon games and watching teh anime. Caleb continues his Pokemon journey playing through the Hoenn games, but somehow completely misses Pokemon Gold & Silver!

    Caleb Hatfield takes a brief break from Pokemon, but returns with Pokemon GO where he would play the game during the initial hype of 2016. Caleb would also play Pokemon GO with his girlfriend as they would Shiny Hunt together and even share catches.

    Finally, Caleb Hatfield dives into the origin of Rockets Markets and becoming a vendor using Rockets Relics. He gives insight into how he met his business partner and what he has learned along the way about hosting Pokemon events around the DFW area.

    Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

    Connect with RocketsMarkets: Website | Instagram

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    Connect with David Hernandez: Linktree
    E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com

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    31 mins
  • TRAINER'S EYE #131 - "Umbreon Chasing Moonlight" ft. Pok3tini
    Feb 5 2025

    In this Pokemon interview, we are joined by Pok3tini, a Pokemon Trainer and enthusiast about everything Pokemon

    Pok3tini shares his initial experience with Pokemon starting with watching the Pokemon anime as he followed Ash and Pikachu's adventures. Pok3tini was given Pokemon Yellow for his birthday that further progressed his passion for Pokemon.

    Pok3tini would continue to play many of the Pokemon games as they released, finding a particular fondness for Pokemon Gold/Silver. Pok3tini shared what he loved about these games and gives insight into the final battle gainst Red.

    Finally, Pok3tini shares his return to Pokemon through both Pokemon GO and collecting Pokemon cards. He gives insight into finally acquiring this special Pokemon card!

    Opening Song: "Forget You" by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay

    Connect with Pok3tini: Instagram

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    E-mail Me: asthepokeballturnspodcast@gmail.com

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    38 mins