In this episode Charles MacKenzie takes us back in time to where his fight and that of other Australian children who were given tainted blood products began.
Show notes
Help Charles MacKenzie keep surviving by donating to his Go Fund Me here
Watch Charles return to where it all began St.Andrews Cathedral School Sydney
John Dowd the former NSW attorney general who tax lawyers paid the salary for and who denied help to children with AIDS like Martin when he was dying
Brian Howe the former Labor health of the early 1990s
The speech by former Australian Labor health minister Brian Howe where he speaks of why they made an example of Martin and denied him care to stop the flood gates opening for others who the government harmed and who need help
A timeline of Australian Red Cross/CSL blood donors that proves medical patients were murdered en masse
A copy of Charles MacKenzie witness statement to the UK infected blood inquiry
Support the campaign for unvaxxed blood in Australia by signing the petition here:
Follow the campaign on Instagram @unvaxxedblood