Switching it up! This episode, we’re talking about a person - one person in particular, our company’s founder Robert Bosch. Our host Geoff, a self-declared Bosch fanboy, sits down with Dietrich Kuhlgatz, Director Historical Communications at Bosch. Dietrich brings some treasures, including a diary and actual sound bites from Robert Bosch himself. Meanwhile, co-host Melena has a closer look at the device that was the “big bang” for Bosch, the ignition magneto. This first Bosch bestseller provided the foundation for what the company is today. But what is it? History of the Bosch-Zünder Magazine https://www.bosch.com/stories/bosch-zuender-associate-magazine/ The magneto ignition https://www.bosch-classic.com/de/en/products/range-of-spare-parts/ignition/