• "Accessibly Human" – Baseball’s Norman Rockwell
    Jul 14 2022

    Graig Kreindler’s goal is clear “to portray the national pastime in an era when players were accessibly human, and the atmosphere of a welcoming ballpark was just as important as what happened on the field.” I read that line on the landing page of Graig’s website after a color picture of Christy Mathewson showed up on one of my social media feeds.

    Read the rest here: https://baseballbuddha.com/2022/07/13/accessibly-human-baseballs-norman-rockwell/

    Also please check out https://baseballbuddha.com/shop/ and purchase a t-shirt or get one from SwingJuice at https://swingjuice.pxf.io/c/3448355/1... and Lids at https://lids.7q8j.net/VyKz96

    Excited to share that I have become a #GoliPartner

    I use Goli daily and love the convenience and taste of them, click on this link to get a discount! https://go.goli.com/baseballbuddha

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    41 mins
  • Sounds from a MLB Press Box
    Jul 4 2022

    I occasional I get into the press box at MLB games, this recording is from a game in May 2022. You get to hear the roar of the crowd, the official scorer and other reporters in the press box, try and guess the stadium and the press box!

    Also please check out https://baseballbuddha.com/shop/ and purchase a t-shirt or get one from SwingJuice at https://swingjuice.pxf.io/c/3448355/1... and Lids at https://lids.7q8j.net/VyKz96

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    2 hrs and 22 mins
  • Fathers Day at Dodger Stadium
    Jun 23 2022

    I went to Dodger Stadium on Fathers Day June 19th, 2022. It was a beautiful day with a sold out crowd of 53,033, the sounds were excellent as they always are at Dodger Stadium, families were every where. This is the thing I love most about the atmosphere here, Fathers, Mothers, Daughters and Sons together enjoying the national pastime. You have something special @Dodgers!

    Also please check out https://baseballbuddha.com/shop/ and purchase a t-shirt or get one from SwingJuice at https://swingjuice.pxf.io/c/3448355/1... and Lids at https://lids.7q8j.net/VyKz96

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    2 hrs and 38 mins
  • Yankee Stadium On A Cool Evening In May
    Jun 17 2022

    It was a cool evening in May, the Yankees were hosting the Baltimore Orioles. The Yankee fans were excitable, their team was playing well, Aaron Judge was crushing the ball. When I arrived to the game to record I was told I could not bring my new gimbal into the stadium so I had to store it and use my iPhone.

    I captured some decent sounds on the subway and around Yankee Stadium with the remainder on the phone. Check out the Baseball Buddha Media YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzZ90BzZxF2yCMPvI6nFvAQ/?sub_confirmation=1 and The Baseball Sentinel website at https://baseballbuddha.com for more great content.

    Also please check out https://baseballbuddha.com/shop/ and purchase a t-shirt or get one from SwingJuice at https://swingjuice.pxf.io/c/3448355/1... and Lids at https://lids.7q8j.net/VyKz96

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Kenosha Kingfish Press Box - Part 2
    Jun 11 2022

    This is part two of a two part episode. Please follow the Ballpark Confidential and Baseball In America podcasts! Check out the Baseball Buddha Media YouTube Channel and The Baseball Sentinel website for more great content.

    Also please check out https://baseballbuddha.com/shop/ and purchase a t-shirt or get one from SwingJuice at https://swingjuice.pxf.io/c/3448355/1... and Lids at https://lids.7q8j.net/VyKz96

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    1 hr and 40 mins
  • Kenosha Kingfish Press Box - Part 1
    Jun 11 2022

    This is part one of a two part episode. I absolutely enjoyed listening to the guys in the small press box on top of the stadium. All of them were doing an excellent job, I hope you enjoy this episode, please check out episode 2 and Baseball Buddha Media's other podcast, Baseball In America.

    Also please check out https://baseballbuddha.com/shop/ and purchase a t-shirt or get one from SwingJuice at https://swingjuice.pxf.io/c/3448355/1... and Lids at https://lids.7q8j.net/VyKz96

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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • Great Sounds at Sunday Afternoon Game - Bonus Episode
    Jun 4 2022

    This was a Sunday afternoon game on May 22, 2022 at American Family Field, Brewers were taking on the Nationals. I had purchased a Tascam Portacapture X8, I tried it the week before in Washington but this was the first game I recorded the entire game with it. I was figuring a few things out during this game so you might be wondering why certain things were happening with the sound but I have to say the sound is pretty good.

    If you like the content please follow the channel! Also please check out https://baseballbuddha.com/shop/ and purchase a t-shirt or get one from SwingJuice at https://swingjuice.pxf.io/c/3448355/1... and Lids at https://lids.7q8j.net/VyKz96

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    2 hrs and 57 mins
  • American Family Field - A Beautiful Night for Baseball
    Jun 4 2022

    It was a beautiful night in Milwaukee for a game, I was able to use my new camera stabilizer and it helped! It took me awhile to figure it out, you will see as the video progresses.

    Also please check out https://baseballbuddha.com/shop/ and purchase a t-shirt or get one from SwingJuice at https://swingjuice.pxf.io/c/3448355/1... and Lids at https://lids.7q8j.net/VyKz96

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    2 hrs and 14 mins