• One Point Holding You Back From Goal | Torat HaChassidut (17)
    Jan 27 2025

    One Point Holding You Back From Goal | Torat HaChassidut (17)


    Have you ever felt that there was one point holding you back from your goal, but couldn't put your finger on it? Rebbe Elimelech of Lezhenk's Zetel Katan looks within the neshama to let us know that we all have that One Point that separates us from everything in our Avodat HaShem.

    Today, we will learn just what that point is for each and every person to finally be able to put their finger on it and perhaps make the change needed to reach the goal. Those who come with the ears of denial will ignore what they hear from the start, while those who come to listen for instructions of change may very well be the one leading the pleasant salvation ahead.

    Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy.

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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • VAERA: Does God Hear Your Lonely Crying? | STUMP THE RABBI (226)
    Jan 23 2025

    VAERA: Does God Hear Your Lonely Crying? | STUMP THE RABBI (226)


    No matter who the person is, they have had some tough times in their lives. Some have such difficulties that they feel alone in the world. While everyone knows that HaShem heard Am Yisrael's cries in Egypt, parashat VAERA will teach us whether that also pertains to your lonely cries. If He Hears them, then why doesn't seem like He's responding.

    These are critical questions that must be answered for each person to have the proper ideological perspective needed during those difficult times when people have to ask you to smile. This and many questions from the live online audience will be addressed BeEzrat HaShem. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy.

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    2 hrs and 29 mins
  • The Most Costly Peace Agreement In Jewish History | WAR OF AMALEK (21)
    Jan 22 2025

    The Most Costly Peace Agreement In Jewish History | WAR OF AMALEK (21)


    While many are still struggling with the terms of the recent Peace agreement in Israel, the Torah is not surprised. Indeed, Rav Elchonon Wasserman teaches us about what peace is achieved with the leaders do not follow Daat Torah, and if in fact peace is even possible at least among the Jewish people.

    This shiur will surprise and even shock some of you, especially when we go on a little historical journey that is unfortunately not taught in schools, and therefore known mostly by scholars and the decedents of the victims.

    This important shiur is a must watch for anyone who wants Da'at Torah about Jewish Unity, Peace and those who say otherwise. It also includes an extraordinary story from behind the scenes of a recent Beit Din session.

    Learn, Share, Enjoy, and Be Holy.

    #Israel #Peace #peaceagreement #ceasefire #gaza #palestine #hamas #Jewish #Jews #Israeli #war #RabbiYaronReuven #rabbiwasserman #Amalek #daattorah

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    2 mins
  • The God of Israel or Elokei HaElokim? | Torat HaChassidut (16)
    Jan 22 2025

    The God of Israel or Elokei HaElokim? | Torat HaChassidut (16)


    We've all dealt with the shul talkers and know its forbidden to speak in shul. Rebbe Elimelech of Lezhenk's Tzetel Katan takes it a step further, and with the help of the Zohar, Ben Ish Chai, Maggid of Mezrich and our Prophets, we delve back into the Synagogue topic that affects us all.

    In the process, we will also find out why HaShem is called the God of Israel sometimes, and Elokei HaElokim other times. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy.

    #shul #Synagogue #God #GodofIsrael #Nations #Judaism #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #RabbiElimelech #HaShem

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • SHEMOT: Who Are The Biggest Losers In The World? | STUMP THE RABBI (225)
    Jan 22 2025

    SHEMOT: Who Are The Biggest Losers In The World? | STUMP THE RABBI (225)


    Parashat Shemot begins with Pharaoh's convenient forgetfulness of Yosef that would ultimately lead to his demise. Today there are many followers of Pharaoh among us that are unaware of their own actions, even when it leads to their own suffering.

    What makes them the biggest losers is that they believe they are doing good, since they keep mitzvot and even listen to mussar.

    How Could they be losers? This and much more questions from the online audience will be addressed, and it may even be a necessary painful cure for a few of them (if they listen of course).LEARN, SHARE, ENJOY and Be Holy.

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    2 hrs and 9 mins
    Jan 15 2025



    Though the War against Amalek is in each generation, Rav Elchonon Wasserman explains to us that each generation has a different type of Amalek, and therefore has to fight the fight of their day, rather than the ones of past times. Who is the new face of Amalek today? What must we do with them?

    These and much more stories and examples from our Sages will be unveiled today in a shiur that will leave you prepared. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy.

    #Amalek #Face #FaceofAmalek #Judaism #Jewish #RavWasserman #RabbiYaronReuven #WarofAmalek #Torah

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    1 hr and 32 mins
  • Is Freedom of Thought Allowed In Judaism? | WAR OF AMALEK (19)
    Jan 9 2025

    Is Freedom of Thought Allowed In Judaism? | WAR OF AMALEK (19)


    Many people enjoy the 'freedom of speech' amendment of modern day society. While this serves multiple purposes in laws of the land, it becomes problematic when a person thinks they can utilize this in Judaism.

    Rav Elchonon Wasserman's War of Amalek addresses this freedom of speech as it applies and affects the Charidy Orthodox Jewish community around the world, and lets us know just how much freedom we have, if at all. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy.

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • Praying Like A Chassid Torat HaChassidut (15)
    Jan 8 2025

    Praying Like A Chassid | Torat HaChassidut (15)


    Do you want to pray like a Chassid? Have you prayed for something so much that you expected HaShem to answer you, perhaps even speak to you? Want to know why you weren't answered?

    Today Rebbi Elimelech of Lizhensk's Tzetel Katan will open our eyes to prayer, and awaken us to the mistakes we may be making by expecting an answer. This and much more will be reviewed and help us change our prayer forever. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy.

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    1 hr and 26 mins