Today I'm posting some short excerpts from my new Book - Stop Selling Start Believing
Rise to the Level of Greatness
To achieve greatness, you need to learn to not just endure the things that you don't like, but do them without hesitation and embrace the suck until you are stronger and more consistent. Trust me, 90 percent of the competition won't dive in head first with a great attitude here and this is your edge.
Willingness to do the hard parts over and over again until they become easy separates the top 10 percent from the bottom 90 percent in almost every industry
The margin of victory in sales is much like it is in sports. You win or you lose, and the margin of victory only matters if you lost. The margin is what you need to improve. The infinitesimally small flaw in your process that you need to polish until it's perfect. Only by doing this will you become the version of yourself that you are capable of becoming, instead of the version that you will settle for.
A lot of the work that is going to make you a great salesperson goes on when you aren't making a call, when you aren't in front of a client. Aren't even on the clock. Greatness is earned when nobody is watching, and you are taking a run in the morning before anyone else is awake, while listening to your last five phone call recordings to learn what you can do to cut off that next tenth of a second
Your job is to find the humor in that call. And quickly move on to your next one to find the audience member who can't wait to hear what you have to say.
In some industries, you're going to deal with 100 percent cold calls and your job is to pound the phones, bang your head against the wall, and then take the pain and abuse and find the needles in a very unfriendly haystack
If you want to rise to the level of greatness as a salesperson, you need to embrace a lot of unpleasant preparation and work that needs to be done.
There is almost always paperwork, compliance issues, quotas to be met, and phone calls to make. The top people track their metrics, get coaching, record themselves, poll their customers to find out why they lost a sale, tag along with other salespeople just to learn
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