Always read the fine print on your scholarship offers. This week, Nathan and Ben examine a low-ranked law school that reduces roughly two-thirds of its conditional scholarships every year. The guys also discuss the competitiveness of this year’s application cycle. They dismiss the idea that the LSAT is harder than it used to be. And they weigh the importance of law school rankings in deciding which school to attend.
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0:35 - A Competitive Cycle - Nathan and Ben check the numbers for this highly competitive application cycle. They speculate about what might be causing the upward trend in applicants and LSAT scores.
19:05 - Is the LSAT Getting Harder? - After every LSAT, some test-takers complain that their official LSAT was more difficult than their practice tests. They’re imagining it. The LSAT is as difficult as it’s ever been: not very.
24:28 - Ask of the Week - The guys highlight Elizabeth’s insightful Ask Button explanation about unrepresentative samples.
42:38 - Law School Rankings - How much should you care about law school rankings? It depends. Ben and Nathan urge listener Kenley to factor the cost of attendance into their decision.
51:20 - What’s the Deal with…? - Nathan and Ben look into California Western School of Law, a low-ranked school that doles out dubious scholarships or, as the guys call them, “scammerships.”
1:42:59 - Word of the Week - Students dread the panopticon of remote LSAT proctoring.