What if the key to lasting success as a coach isn’t just mastering your craft but surrounding yourself with the right people? Joining us today are three world-class coaches, Chad Cooper, Melissa von Musser, and Andrew Devlin, to discuss why it’s so important for coaches to invest in having their own coaches and how to build support systems to avoid operating in isolation. Chad, Melissa, and Andrew have over 45 years of coaching experience combined, and they draw on that knowledge today to share their insights on how to grow as a coach and move beyond your island of one. We delve into the importance of finding community as a coach, the risks of isolating yourself, and how not having a coach could hold you back. Our conversation unpacks what it means to grow together as a community, leveling up your peer group, and why just being good at coaching isn’t enough to ensure long-term success. We also discuss the transition from an employee mindset to a CEO mindset and why this is particularly important for coaches. To hear all the fascinating details of today’s conversation with Chad, Melissa, and Andrew, be sure to tune in!
Key Points From This Episode:
- How to avoid becoming an island and isolating yourself as a coach.
- The power of community and getting a coach if you are a coach yourself.
- Insights on the need for congruence and accountability as a coach.
- Ways coaches limit themselves if they try to go at it alone.
- Why you have a responsibility to surround yourself with people smarter than you.
- Lessons from Andrew's mountain bike training on always leveling up.
- Key insights on growing together as a community.
- Why you can’t find long-term success if you’re only good at coaching.
- How to find congruency as a coach and live in alignment with your values.
- Navigating the transition from an employee mindset to a CEO mindset as a coach.
- Parting words of wisdom from Chad, Melissa, and Andrew.
- How to get in touch and learn more.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Chad Cooper
Chad Cooper on LinkedIn
Melissa von Musser on LinkedIn
Andrew Devlin
Andrew Devlin on LinkedIn
Ryan Lang on LinkedIn
Brook Bishop on LinkedIn
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