
  • The Sweet Ride 6
    Jul 22 2023

    Tommy awakes thinking that he has lost his mind. What had happened to him the day before had to have been an hallucination. It could not have been real. He was terrified. How could he tell his family that he needed help? Was he going mad? He went to his mother, not knowing how to explain his fear, when his grandmother came onto the front porch where they were sitting. What she had found in the laundry was about to change all of their lives forever. Let us go now to the sixth and final episode of The Sweet Ride!

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    7 mins
  • The Sweet Ride 5
    Jul 22 2023

    There is something about Tommy's new customer that makes him very different from all the others. He knows Tommy's father, so well, in fact, that he says things that threaten to tear Tommy apart. Tommy is ready to leave the man's house in anger when the man asks him to trust him and see what he has to show him. Curiosity gets the better of Tommy, and the man shows him what it is. It looks like a bicycle, but is it far more than that. It is a time machine, and Tommy is about to take the strangest ride he will ever take in episode 5 of The Sweet Ride.

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    26 mins
  • The Sweet Ride 4
    Jul 22 2023

    Just as Tommy's grandfather sought to create a job for him that would help him take his mind off his grief for his father, his grandmother wanted to get him to go to church again for the same reason, and she told her pastor so. However, what he tells her puts Tommy's pain in a whole new light of understanding. Healing requires time, but such grief as Tommy carries in his heart is not so easily repaired. Let's begin episode 4 of The Sweet Ride.

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    13 mins
  • The Sweet Ride 3
    Jul 22 2023

    Mowing yards in the grass-cutting season, or doing school work when school was in session, became the way for Tommy to forget his pain, or, at least, to keep his thoughts from tearing him apart. However, he could never have anticipated what was about to happen. He was about to meet his next lawn service customer, someone who was going to change his life...forever...welcome to episode 3 of The Sweet Ride.

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    11 mins
  • The Sweet Ride 2
    Jul 22 2023

    When a boy's heart is broken, sometimes it takes a grandfather to provide a distraction, a way to stop thinking about one's pain for a while, and to focus on something else. Tommy's grandfather has an idea, and his riding mower is the answer. Let's see where this leads in episode two of The Sweet Ride. 

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    11 mins
  • The Sweet Ride Chapter 1
    Jul 22 2023

    A birthday should be a happy occasion when you turn 13, but this birthday is anything but happy for Tommy. It is filled with torment, anguish and utter despair. In chapter one of this story, we learn why our young protagonist  does his best to be stoic...and not give way to tears...but the tears most come...and they do so in episode one.

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    9 mins
  • Don't Eat What You Can't Pronounce Chapter 2
    Jul 21 2023

    Now, we join Matilda Madison at St. Stephan's Bazaar where her cornbread muffins are sure to win a First Place ribbon for the first time ever. The Witch's special ingredient was going to make all the difference. Finally, she would beat Sandy Spalding, and she would be so very happy. But wait! Good heavens, Matilda...you're how old...and you still believe in Witches? What's in that ingredient. This, the second and final episode of our tale, explains why our title is Don't Eat What You Can't Pronounce! Madness is waiting for you Matilda...utter madness!

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    16 mins
  • Don't Eat What You Can't Pronounce Chapter 1
    Jul 21 2023

    Are you frustrated? Hopefully, you'll never be as frustrated as Matilda Madison. Now SHE IS FRUSTRATED...and edging towards madness. In episode one of Don't Eat What You Can't Pronounce, Matilda can't stand the fact that her neighbor, Sandy Spalding, ALWAYS wins every baking competition in town. Year-after year, Sandy wins! If only Matilda could win just once! Then, Matilda meets the Witch. Let's see what the Witch can do to help Matilda.

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    26 mins