Jenny Bergh is a seasoned coach and facilitator with a unique approach to leadership and personal growth. Jenny's philosophy revolves around four core values: blueberries, faith, Falsterbo, and pulse—each representing a key element in fostering meaningful connections and growth. Jenny shares her journey from Johannesburg to Sweden, her experiences working across industries, and her passion for value-based team coaching. Through her work, she empowers leaders to build psychological safety, explore their potential, and embrace new ways of collaboration. We also discuss her projects, and her contributions to sustainable leadership through her writing and speaking engagements. Tune in to explore Jenny’s creative and insightful methods for leading with intention and purpose. Listener Engagement:
Discover more about Jenny via her website. Her social media handles LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook and don't forget to check out her books, all available via pdf. Learn more about Jenny at or through her podcast, Khraftpodden - Coaching & Leadership.
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Check out the special WTL series "Enough for All," featuring Church World Service (CWS) and the work of the Joint Learning Initiative (JLI).