• BITE #0008 - iPROTEST
    Oct 19 2022

    Hello friends. today we got to talk about protests and there were some triggering moments. the discussion got heated up a few times but in the end we cool. we talk about protests in argentina and around the world and how lockdowns during the last 2 years have prevented a lot of protests, wich are coming back to the streets. stay tuned.

    find more about the show at www.fredoldman.blogspot.com

    send a note, a donation or just tell a friend.


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    1 hr and 34 mins
  • BITE # 0007 - RENAME
    Oct 10 2022

    Welcome back, now we are Blunts in the evening, because, well,listen to the episode.

    Improving the show today i've introduced, clips, just one, that sums up so i can develop the idea a bit more. Argentinas ecaonomic crisis keeps hitting hard on the working class and we went out to the streets to protest, nationwide. government is taing the hits now and some ministries quit due different motives, join me and i'll tell you more... enjoy the rant at the end.

    sources for todays show. 

    Buenos Aires Times


    CGTN America


    go to www.fredoldman.blogsppt.com and hit the donation button

    follow me at @oldman@noagendasocial.com

    twitter @fredoldman

    emails at mrfredoldman@gmail.com 


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    33 mins
    Sep 30 2022

    its been a long day, 

    33 hours being awake

    blunts rolled up my way

    blunts smooth out my brain

    sleep deprivation can get a little tasty

    will is back to help me out, tho i almost didnt let him talk, 

    i was so pumped and blunted up, that i couldnt take a step back

    it was all good, we had some fun, come join us now dont be a c... 

    come on fred, keep it cool, keep it moraly correct, dont be a bum

    Anuway. If you like the show, Please go to www.fredoldman.blogsppt.com and hit the donation button

    follow me at @oldman@noagendasocial.com

    twitter @fredoldman

    emails at mrfredoldman@gmail.com 

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    1 hr and 11 mins
    Sep 23 2022

    hello hello. late but still here. it was a long week for me, all IRL things had to be taken care. i'm alone again in this episode, so i took the chance to talk about some blunt realities we deal with in Arrgentina. also a bit of ranting about woke and cancel culture. enjoy comrades.

    for more content go to www.fredoldman.blogspot.com

    follow me oldman@noagendasocial.com

    emails at mrfredoldman@gmail.com or through the contact form on the website

    tell a friend and blunt it up!


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    37 mins
    Sep 16 2022

    welcome back to Blunts in the morning eh! todya we have a full episode 2 hours 15 minutes, a record for the show. finally some one chipped in and helped me carry this. 

    in this episode we go through quite some topics, but try to remain focus and blunt about the current socio-political situation in the country and what's the way out from this chaos. 

    i hope you enjoy this episode, bare with us, we are doing our best to try and put some content out there. so if you want to suppor the show, in anyway, we would appreciate it. constructive critics are more than welcome aswell as some dollarettes. if you find it worth it, if you found value in this show, let us know anyway you feel appropiate. thanks.

    VISIT fredoldman.blogspot.com

    follow me at @oldman@noagendasocial.com

    emails at mrfredoldman@gmail.com or through the contact form.

    remember to tell a friend and keep those blunts rolling eh!

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    2 hrs and 17 mins
  • BITME #0003 OLD BEEF
    Sep 15 2022

     welcome back, episode number three is ready.

    in this episode we keep on with the "attack on democracy" a bit of the death of the queen of england and some history on the old beef between argentina and the uk. 

    watch out for that intro, hope you enjoy the songs.

    follow me from any mastodon server. @Oldman@noagendasocial.com

    enjoy and rember to donate at www.fredoldman.blogspot.com , send a note, call me out or just tell a friend. thanks.


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    33 mins
    Sep 8 2022

    ook, today i open up about myself to try to explain my "language barrier" and where i come from to bring you this content.to be honest, i'm not trying to impersonate a charachter, i'm just coming from the heart and yes i have many versions of myself, we all do, i just try to embrace most of it in a healthy way, so... i hope you enjoy this one. cheers! 

    please visit fredoldman.blogspot.com leave a note, send a donation, anything,

    paypal donations at @fredoldman

    emails, notes, love, hate at mrfredoldman@gmail.com

    thanks for the support


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    26 mins
    Sep 7 2022

    Welcome back friends. episode #0001 is here, or should i say 0001.2 anyway, check the blog for input on that.

    the VP murder attempt drama is still rolling, full on! 

    also, some thoughts.

    this is the real deal, still reacording with my cellphone, no mics or nothing, also the music on this episode was recorded today also on the cell phone. :D

    right now i am asking for paypal donations at @fredoldman

    emails, notes, love, hate at mrfredoldman@gmail.com

    enjoy, thanks for the support

    visit www.fredoldman.blogspot.com


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    26 mins