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Mark: Fishing
Steve: Trick Taking Game Conventions (here's one, and here's another)
Mark: What do I think is an OG game? I can tell what it ain't!
Steve: What would new boardgamers think is an OG game?
Nonsense Junkie
My friend Steve Paap returns to his set of interview questions for me. A year and a half ago, back on episode 214, Steve turned the microphone around on me. Now he's back with more questions for yours truly.
First, though, he tries to rile me up by having me defend my "favorite boardgame" Entdecker from a variety of BGG comments from folks who didn't like it. They rate it a 4, 3, or 2, and explain why. Does it get under my skin? Not really. He says I'm too nice for that, Maybe that's it, but the truth is that no game is really for everybody, and I'm well aware that Entdecker is less-than-average for many gamers. There are some comments I find just inaccurate and wrong, though--that's true.