
  • 7 Years!
    Sep 28 2023

    Hello! This is a quick one but I wanted to make an episode for hitting and surpassing the seven year mark on this brain cancer journey we've been on. Of course there are ups and downs with good and bad days. However, we are still going! It was such a hectic and tiring summer but I feel like I'm back on track and just about to start on a new trial drug so we will see how it goes. Of course, I'll be sharing it with you all as well. Your support has meant so much to me and I just want to keep sharing with you all. Thank you for everything. Here's to another seven years! Chris

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    9 min
  • Glioblastoma Awareness Day 2023
    Jul 19 2023

    Hello! I wanted to create this episode for Glioblastoma Awareness Day 2023 to add to the various articles and stories you hear from GBM patients. Whether as a patient or a caregiver, this disease is horrible. We've lost some true greats to this disease. And I don't necessarily mean "famous" people although we have lost them as well. Parents, siblings, family members, best friends... I know that better treatments are out there and researchers are hard at work looking for answers.  I just want to say thank you to everyone for all of the support I've gotten. Truly the best people in the world.  Here are some of the links I had mentioned as well!  The durvalumab trial I was on (Cohort A): https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02336165 ABTA links: https://www.abta.org/national-conference/ https://give.abta.org/event/webinar-what-to-know-when-youre-newly-diagnosed-with-glioblastoma/e456254 https://www.abta.org/brochures/


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    22 min
  • Episode 40 - The Brain Cancer Checklist
    Jul 4 2023

    Hello! Sorry for the gap in episodes but it's been a hectic few weeks with work, spring garden prep and planting, taking my photo walks, and general hospital visits and treatments that have kept me behind on so much.  But, this is one I was really excited to record and I've already set aside time to record our next episode which is very relevant to this month.  It only took a few years but I'm finally more comfortable in post editing with getting my volume set to the standard of LUFS and hopefully the earlier episodes didn't have you changing the volume a lot! LOL, I get there eventually.  I hope you enjoy this one and that it can be helpful to you as a patient or caregiver! Chris

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    23 min
  • 2-Year Craniversary Update
    May 27 2023

    Well hello and thank you for listening today! It's been two years since my second craniotomy for a small recurrence of my brain tumor. I cannot believe that it's been two years already!  I just wanted to share how I felt back then and how I'm feeling today while still going through my own treatments. I have to apologize for not getting everything I wanted to get done for Brain Tumor Awareness Month. Like I mention in the episode, I just don't have enough hours in the day after work and getting everything cleaned up and planted outside. I also have to manage with the fatigue as well. 

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    16 min
  • Episode 39 - Brain Tumor Awareness Month
    May 5 2023

    Hello! This is just a short episode talking about Brain Tumor Awareness Month here in May 2023.  I just started talking and just went with what I was feeling. Not exactly a structured episode but sometimes I like to just talk. And thank you for letting me talk. This is a show for all of us and it really acts as a bit of therapy for myself as well. Some days ARE difficult. But I am so lucky that I've got an outlet like this.  I got some not-so-great news recently as we've lost another good soul far too soon. It's this awful situation where we meet under such unfortunate terms but I don't take any days or anything for granted. I know one day we will be able to beat this disease.  Thank you all so much. Please never hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything.  Chris

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    19 min
  • Episode 38 - The MRI Experience
    Apr 20 2023

    Hello! I am so sorry for the delay between episodes! I also did not realize I already did an episode about MRIs but I'm not going to waste a recording I made. Maybe it can help someone and that's all I want.  It's been a very hectic few months and I'll be doing an update. Don't worry, I am still going and our journey continues! I was also at work a bit more, spring cleanup outside, starting seeds for the garden, and we just had the Boston Marathon and had a great time as a spectator! Even with some rain near the end, I am always excited for seeing these athletes run.  I've got a few great ideas for episodes and we're going to have a great summer! Chris Links: https://radiology.ucsf.edu/patient-care/prepare/mri#- https://radiologykey.com/imaging-of-brain-tumors-mr-spectroscopy-and-metabolic-imaging/






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    21 min
  • Personal Update and Pet Peeves
    Mar 15 2023

    Hello! I'm sorry for the delay and I'm getting caught up on things. Normally, I should have more time but I've been busy with so many things and I wanted to record.  This is just a short personal update and I also felt like I wanted to talk about some of the things we as brain cancer patients and caregivers hear both online and in real life.  I want to thank you all so much for supporting me over these years and being so kind to me. I always have so many potential topics going through my head but please let me know if there's something you want to hear about. This is our show!  Chris

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    15 min
  • Episode 37 - Lomustine: A Brief Overview
    Jan 25 2023

    Hello and welcome! In this episode, we go over the latest step in my current treatment and discuss what lomustine is, potential side effects, and a story of how much control some companies have over our treatments.  I'm sorry for the slight delay in releasing this episode. I've been working, going to appointments, and my voice has been pretty rough the past week or so. That makes recording just not something I could have done.  I also normalized the audio to the industry standard because I'm still learning things here! I hope it sounds ok and that the volume is balanced from start to finish with nothing being too loud or quiet. Please let me know if there are any issues.  Thank you all so much for your support and being the greatest group of people. I practice gratitude every day and it helps me so much.  Links from the show: https://chemocare.com/chemotherapy/drug-info/Lomustine.aspx https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/pharmacology-toxicology-and-pharmaceutical-science/alkylating-agent https://www.drugs.com/drug-class/alkylating-agents.html https://cancerletter.com/trials-and-tribulations/20210716_7/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brain-cancer-drug-gleostine-no-longer-an-option-under-medicare/ https://journals.lww.com/neurotodayonline/fulltext/2021/09160/a_glioblastoma_drug_is_abruptly_withdrawn_from.6.aspx

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    33 min