Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Braving the White Abyss: A Tundra Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-22-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na skrajnem severu, kjer veter kroji pokrajino in noč traja dolgo, se je odprla bela tundra.En: At the far north, where the wind shapes the landscape and the night lasts long, the white tundra had opened up.Sl: Matijevik, kraj, kamor je šola iz Ljubljane vsako zimo prirejala ekskurzijo, je bil čisto na robu sveta.En: Matijevik, the place where the school from Ljubljana organized a trip every winter, was right on the edge of the world.Sl: Razen snega in ledu tu ni bilo ničesar drugega.En: Apart from snow and ice, there was nothing else here.Sl: Tomaž, student devetega razreda, je s svetlečimi očmi in neustavljivo željo po dogodivščinah strmel v bele neskončnosti.En: Tomaž, a ninth-grade student, gazed with bright eyes and an irresistible desire for adventure into the white expanses.Sl: Njegova strast je bila polarno okolje.En: His passion was the polar environment.Sl: Nekje tam daleč je slišal o prav posebni ledeniški tvorbi, ki jo je tako želel videti.En: Somewhere out there, he had heard about a very special glacial formation that he so wished to see.Sl: A to ni bilo v načrtu ekskurzije.En: But it was not part of the trip's itinerary.Sl: Nina, njegova najboljša prijateljica, je stala ob njem.En: Nina, his best friend, stood beside him.Sl: Zaskrbljeno je pogledovala proti vetrovkam drugih učencev, ki so se premikale kot majhne pisane pike po beli pokrajini.En: She looked worriedly at the other students' jackets, moving like small colorful dots across the white landscape.Sl: Kot nadzorniki, učitelji niso izgubljali časa.En: The teachers, like overseers, did not waste time.Sl: Pazili so, da nihče ne zaide iz skupine.En: They made sure no one strayed from the group.Sl: "To moram videti, Nina," je rekel Tomaž, gledajoč proti severu, kjer so ledeni kristali začeli svetiti ob sveži svetlobi.En: "I have to see it, Nina," said Tomaž, looking toward the north, where ice crystals began to shimmer in the fresh light.Sl: "Ne bi smela," mu je odgovorila.En: "We shouldn't," she replied.Sl: Toda nekaj v Tomaževem pogledu ga je izdajalo - odločenost.En: But something in Tomaž's gaze betrayed him—determination.Sl: Nina je čutila, da ga ne more pustiti samega.En: Nina felt she couldn't leave him alone.Sl: "Prav.En: "Alright.Sl: Grem s tabo," je vzdihnila.En: I'm going with you," she sighed.Sl: Veter je bil hladen kot nož, ki se je zabadal v ušesa.En: The wind was as cold as a knife, stabbing at their ears.Sl: Sneženje se je začelo okrepiti, a Tomaž in Nina sta korakala.En: The snowfall began to intensify, but Tomaž and Nina marched on.Sl: Navdušenje je premagalo mraz.En: Enthusiasm overcame the cold.Sl: Toda nenadoma se je nebo zavrtilo in belina okoli njiju je postala neprekinjen zid snega.En: But suddenly, the sky spun, and the whiteness around them became an unbroken wall of snow.Sl: "Ne vidim poti nazaj," je Nina v paniki vzklikala.En: "I can't see the way back," Nina cried out in panic.Sl: Tomaž se je poskušal spomniti, kje so zadnjič videli skupino.En: Tomaž tried to remember the last place they saw the group.Sl: A vse je bilo enako.En: But everything looked the same.Sl: Vse belo.En: All white.Sl: Čas je tekel, prsti so otrpnili in strah se je prikradel v njune srce.En: Time passed, fingers numbed, and fear crept into their hearts.Sl: "Tukaj!En: "Over here!"Sl: " Tomaž je nenadoma zaklical, s svetilko, ki se je tresla na njegovi zmrznjeni roki.En: Tomaž suddenly shouted, with a flashlight trembling in his frozen hand.Sl: Svetloba je zablisnila na refleksni črtici učiteljeve jakne v daljavi.En: The light caught the reflective strip of a teacher's jacket in the distance.Sl: Upanje!En: Hope!Sl: Po napornem spopadu z vetrom sta končno pritekla do skupine.En: After a difficult struggle with the wind, they finally ran back to the group.Sl: Učitelji so ju sprejeli z olajšanjem in malo jeze.En: The teachers welcomed them with relief and a little anger.Sl: Malce ozebla, a varna, sta stala ob strani in spet dihala mirno.En: Slightly frostbitten but safe, they stood aside and breathed calmly again.Sl: Doma, nazaj v toplih prostorih šole, je Tomaž sedel ob Nini.En: Back home, in the warm school premises, Tomaž sat beside Nina.Sl: "Bilo je strašljivo, ampak vredno," je rekel, nasmejan, čeprav z rahlo modrimi ustnicami.En: "It was scary, but worth it," he said, smiling, though with slightly blue lips.Sl: "Sem se naučila nekaj," je odgovorila Nina.En: "I learned something," Nina replied.Sl: "Včasih je vredno tvegati.En: "Sometimes it's worth taking risks.Sl: Ampak previdno.En: But with caution."Sl: "Tomaž je pokimal, globoko zadovoljen z naukom in še bolj s prijateljstvom, ki ju je zbližalo.En: Tomaž nodded, deeply satisfied with the lesson learned and ...