Song 1: “I Can’t Sing That Song” (John V. Modaff)
Poem 1: “Ecdysis Sonnet” by Sandra Yannone. Sandy’s new collection is the glass studio (Salmon Poetry, 2024).
Fiction: excerpt from the novel in progress, “The Angel of Devastation.” Her latest book is The Lost Archive: stories,
Feed the Cat Break: “Different Same,” by Jonathan A. Modaff
Poem 2: “Sympathetic Magic” by Susan Aizenberg. Susan’s new collection is A Walk With Frank O’Hara (UNMP, 2024).
Song 2: “I Call Crazy” (T Bone Kelly, from the album Toast)
Episode artwork by Lynda Miller
Show theme and incidental music by John V. Modaff, BMI
The Unruly Muse is Recorded in Albuquerque, NM and Morehead, KY
Produced at The Creek Studio, Morehead 40351
NEXT UP: Episode 44 coming January 2025: “Harmony”
Thank You to our listeners all over the world. Please tell a friend about the podcast.
Lynn & John