• Breaking the Ice: A Journey to Friendship and Self-Discovery

  • Jan 20 2025
  • Length: 16 mins
  • Podcast

Breaking the Ice: A Journey to Friendship and Self-Discovery

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Breaking the Ice: A Journey to Friendship and Self-Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-20-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Belo snežno pokrivalo je nežno pokrivalo pokrajino okoli Blejskega jezera.En: The white snow blanket gently covered the landscape around Blejski jezero.Sl: Narava je dihala zimski mir.En: Nature breathed the calm of winter.Sl: Meglica se je dvigala nad jezersko gladino, pravljično ovijajoč otok s cerkvico.En: Mist rose above the lake's surface, magically enveloping the island with the church.Sl: Mateja je stala ob robu zamrznjenega jezera in opazovala svoje odseve v ledu.En: Mateja stood at the edge of the frozen lake, observing her reflections in the ice.Sl: Vse se je zdelo spokojno, a znotraj sebe je čutila nemir.En: Everything seemed peaceful, yet inside she felt restless.Sl: Mateja je bila na zimskih počitnicah s prijateljema, Anžetom in Evo.En: Mateja was on winter vacation with her friends, Anže and Eva.Sl: Vedno je občudovala njuno energijo.En: She always admired their energy.Sl: Eva je bila sončno prijazna, Anže pa vedno poln idej.En: Eva was cheerfully friendly, while Anže was always full of ideas.Sl: Mateja je bila tiha in premišljena.En: Mateja was quiet and contemplative.Sl: Pogosto se je čutila kot da je v njihovi senci.En: She often felt as though she was in their shadow.Sl: Pogovarjali so se o tem, kaj bi počeli ta dan.En: They were discussing what to do that day.Sl: Eva je predlagala, da bi se vsi trije sprehodili okrog jezera.En: Eva suggested that the three of them take a walk around the lake.Sl: Anže je želel raziskovati bližnji grad.En: Anže wanted to explore the nearby castle.Sl: Mateja je ostala tiho.En: Mateja remained silent.Sl: Želela si je, da bi se sprehodili, a tudi da bi se bolj povezal z njima.En: She wished for a walk but also hoped to connect more with them.Sl: Počutila se je, kot da bi morala nekaj reči, a ni vedela, kako začeti.En: She felt like she should say something but didn't know how to start.Sl: Ko so se odpravili na pot, so se Mateji misli vrtele v glavi.En: As they set off, Mateja's thoughts swirled in her head.Sl: Smehljala se je, ko sta Anže in Eva pripovedovala zgodbe in se smejala njunim šalam.En: She smiled as Anže and Eva told stories and laughed at their jokes.Sl: A znotraj je sanjala o trenutku, ko bi lahko bila bolj odprta, bolj pristna.En: But inside, she dreamed of a moment when she could be more open, more genuine.Sl: V trenutku tišine, ko sta Anže in Eva strmela v veličasten pogled na otoček s cerkvico, je Mateja zastala.En: In a moment of silence, as Anže and Eva stared at the magnificent view of the island with the church, Mateja paused.Sl: Eva je opazila, da je Mateja utihnila.En: Eva noticed that Mateja had become quiet.Sl: Pristopila je bližje in rekla: "Mateja, vse okej?En: She stepped closer and said, "Mateja, is everything okay?"Sl: "Priložnost, je pomislila Mateja.En: Opportunity, thought Mateja.Sl: A njena samozavest je omahovala.En: Yet her confidence wavered.Sl: Kljub temu je globoko vdihnila in tiho rekla: "Včasih se počutim, kot da se izgubim v vsem tem.En: Nevertheless, she took a deep breath and quietly said, "Sometimes I feel like I get lost in all of this."Sl: "Eva je napolnile oči z razumevanjem.En: Eva's eyes filled with understanding.Sl: "Res?En: "Really?Sl: Nisi sama, veš.En: You're not alone, you know.Sl: Pomembna si nam.En: You're important to us.Sl: Povej nama, kako se lahko bolje povežemo.En: Tell us how we can connect better."Sl: "Mateja je bila ganjena.En: Mateja was moved.Sl: Zdelo se ji je, kot da se je prebil led med njima, tako kot led na jezeru, ki se je pričel tajati pod prvimi toplimi žarki.En: It felt like the ice between them had broken, just like the ice on the lake, starting to melt under the first warm rays.Sl: Začela je pripovedovati o svojih občutkih, svojem iskanju svojega mesta med prijateljema.En: She began to talk about her feelings, her search for her place among her friends.Sl: Razveselilo jo je Evino razumevanje.En: She was delighted by Eva's understanding.Sl: Njuna beseda je privabila Anžeta, ki je z zanimanjem prisluhnil in obljubil, da bodo skupaj gradili bolj odprto in povezano prijateljstvo.En: Their conversation drew in Anže, who listened with interest and promised that they would work together to build a more open and connected friendship.Sl: Ko je sonce začelo zahajati, so se trije prijatelji - Mateja, Anže in Eva - vrnili proti koči, objeti s toplino na novo odkritega prijateljstva.En: As the sun began to set, the three friends - Mateja, Anže, and Eva - returned to the cabin, embraced by the warmth of newly discovered friendship.Sl: Mateja je čutila, da je njen glas končno slišan.En: Mateja felt that her voice was finally heard.Sl: In z novim zaupanjem v svoje sposobnosti je vedela, da je korak za korakom postajala ...
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