• Managing Expectations in Relationships
    Jan 30 2023

    In this episode we talk about managing expectations in relationships. We all have expectations of our partners, but when those expectations aren't met, it can lead to disappointment, resentment and even the breakdown of a relationship. In this episode, we'll discuss the importance of setting realistic expectations, effective communication strategies to manage expectations, and how to handle disappointment when expectations are not met. Whether you're in a new relationship or have been together for years, managing expectations is crucial for a healthy and happy partnership.

    Be better at communicating your expectations and remember to be kind, have courage and lead with love. 

    Write to us at bridgethroughfire@gmail.com or connect with us on instagram or TikTok @bridgethroughfire 


    #relationships #ageing #selfconfidence #greyhair #anti-aging #podcast #beauty #naturalbeauty

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    50 mins
  • The Unsexy Truth About Anti-Aging
    Jan 22 2023

    Are you feeling pressured to conform to societal beauty standards and the anti-aging craze? Our podcast is here to challenge the status quo and empower you to embrace your natural aging process. We delve into the unsexy truth about anti-aging and its harmful effects on self-esteem and confidence. We will share our thoughts on what truly makes a person attractive, debunking the myths that men only find youth desirable. We also discuss the negative impact of women competing against each other based on looks, and the societal prejudices that come with going gray. Tune in to our podcast for a refreshing perspective on aging, beauty, and confidence and learn how to embrace your true self at any age.

    Let us know what you thought. Write to us at bridgethroughfire@gmail.com or connect with us on instagram or TikTok @bridgethroughfire

    Remember to be kind, have courage and lead with love! 


    #relationships #ageing #selfconfidence #greyhair #anti-aging #podcast #beauty #naturalbeauty 

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    39 mins
  • Financial Infidelity
    Oct 23 2022

    Financial infidelity refers to when one partner hides financial information or makes financial decisions without consulting the other. It can include hiding debt, spending money secretly, or even hiding entire bank accounts. It's a form of betrayal that can be just as damaging as physical infidelity. 

    We decided this was a very interesting topic and wanted to discuss this in this episode.  We give our 2 cents on how to affectively prevent financial infidelity. What to do when you suspect your partner is committing financial infidelity. A difficult subject but important. We hope you get some value here.     

    Recommendations: Dr. Vanessa Lapointe - children psychologist you can find here https://instagram.com/dr.vanessalapointe?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Podcast with Kerwin Rae on Unstoppable with Kerwin Rae - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0bU459TEN88gzbS0rI8pXG?si=pGeqTY2fQNOVI8pU83_N9w Remember to write to us or connect with us @bridgethroughfire on TikTok and instagram. 

    Email us on: bridgethroughfire@gmail.com Be kind, have courage and Lead with LOVE ❤️

    #finacialinfidelity #infidelity #money #relationships #love 

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    40 mins
  • Poop Together! Stay Together!
    Oct 18 2022
    Can having an open door policy in regards to the bathroom improve your relationship? We think so.  In this podcast episode you'll hear our unique perspective with regards to this some what tabu subject.  Let us know what you thought. Write to us at bridgethroughfire@gmail.com or connect with us on instagram or TikTok @bridgethroughfire Recommendation Links: Bliss n Eso - Strings Attached  https://youtu.be/pUBSLHUrBhg Author Lucinda Riley and Ken Follet for many a good reads.
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    52 mins
  • Birthdays Suck!
    Oct 9 2022

    On the topic birthdays: Do you love them or hate them? 

    Justin thinks Birthdays suck and there is a reason for that and Kristin thinks Birthdays Rock. 

    Today we talk about birthdays and how we have such a different experience of this in our childhood. We get to name our ultimate birthday present, money no issue. Kristin thanks everyone who listened and gave feedback in the previous episode on shame.  And like always we share our weeks and what has been going on in the White House, as well as our weekly recommendation and the one thing we are grateful for today. 

    Don't forget that we need and would love to hear from any of you so Please write to: bridgethroughfire@gmail.com 

    If you think our Podcast is valuable don't forget to share and subscribe where you listen to Podcasts. This way we might actually be able to help more people. 

    You can also find us on Instagram and TikTok under @bridgehtroughfire - see you there.

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    52 mins
  • No More Shame!
    Sep 28 2022
    In this episode Kristin shares some of her deepest secrets that hold so much shame. And we talk in depth about shame and what that actually means. We talk about being curious about your children and teaching them about boundaries and raising boys to be respectful men and that goes for the girls as well. If you'd like to send us an email: brigdethroughfire@gmail.com  You can also find us on instagram and Tictok @bridgethroughfire
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    46 mins
  • Ugly Crying
    Sep 17 2022
    I know we shouldn’t really call it that because it it just so heartfelt crying. Ugly crying is not the kind of thing one likes to do in front of people. Because we see it as shameful. But there is no shame in showing emotions or feelings. In this episode I tell you a story of ugly crying in front of my boy. We talk a bit more in depth about the 5 love languages. And we have an email we reply to. Hope you enjoy the episode and the vulnerability we share with you along you the way. Follow us where you listen to podcast, and on TikTok and Instagram under @bridgethroughfire
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    44 mins
  • I am Good Enough!
    Sep 11 2022

    Do you recognize the feeling of I am not good enough, then this episode is for you! Because You are good enough! We all have our wounds from our younger years and in this episode Kristin shares her biggest demon. We also answer a question on how to have faith that your partner or person can go for their dreams. We share our weekly recommendations and what we are grateful for. Hope you enjoy this raw episode and please send us you feedback as we would love to hear what we can do better or if you want us to talk about something special. Remember to share this if you think others may benefit from this. 

    Email us: bridgethroughfire@gmail.com

    Follow us on Instagram and TicTok under @bridgethroughfire 

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    51 mins