We're back with a Fantasy Football punishment to remember!
After losing the Fantasy Johns 2023 Toilet Bowl, and despite having the most points scored and highest Bonage Index (BI) (5:25), Aug has to spend 13 hours in a Buffalo Wild Wings (0:01). He can only leave after he eats, drinks, and burps his way out. Thankfully, many friends stop by to keep him company as he overindulges, including Kaadir (20:21), and their waitress, who turns out is an awesome rapper named Let Em Kno Lay (17:32). Not only do Mike and Drew come out of their caves to record with Aug, but one special visitor clogs the only toilet in the establishment by 11:30 AM (13:49). The guys review Sam Adams Cold Snap (19:18). And despite terrible audio quality due to the BWW recording location, Aug writes and preforms a song to commemorate losing the fantasy league (10:30).