Let’s Explore: What is a Bee Wrangler?
A Bee Wrangler is someone who works with bees for a living. It’s not just about keeping bees for honey (although, yum!). These experts might rescue swarms, relocate hives, and study bees in the wild! They’re part beekeeper, part scientist, and part superhero for pollinators. Bee Wranglers are making a huge impact in a world where bees are vital for helping us grow our food and keeping ecosystems buzzing.
There are three parts to today’s topic: 1. We’ll EXPLORE the ins and outs of being a Bee Wrangler. 2. We’ll EXAMINE the perks, quirks, and potential places to work, along with vital job titles you can pursue. And 3. We’ll ENGAGE with the educational paths, essential gear, and everyday experiences of professionals in this field.
Also, visit CareersWithCritters.org to download your field guide and explore 12 of the Coolest and Craziest Careers with Critters.