On this special bonus episode, I'm joined by two other members of the theology faculty to update our listeners on the Calvin's Institutes project, in which about 60 faculty and staff are spending the academic year reading through The Institutes of Christian Religion. At the midpoint of the journey, we took some time to reflect on our experiences thus far and to encourage readers to keep going. Among the topics we discussed:
- What has stood out to us and our groups as we've read Calvin together
- The most under-appreciated aspects of Calvin's theology
- Why Calvin is known primarily for the doctrine of predestination even though it hasn't shown up yet in the reading
- Favorite passages thus far
- How Calvin's ideas show up concretely in Reformed churches and institutions
- Encouragement for those who are finding the reading difficult to keep going
Additional resources:
Our original podcast discussion before starting the Institutes
Our reading schedule: https://shorturl.at/Yow8x
Calvin's Institutes (2 volume Battles edition)
Calvin's Institutes (1 volume Beveridge edition)
Calvin's Institutes online edition (CCEL/Beveridge)