Do law schools look unfavorably at applicants who retake the LSAT? This week, Ben and Nathan insist that any downsides to retaking the LSAT are negligible, while the upsides can be life-changing. The guys also dispel the myth of “overthinking,” rail against obscurantist 509 reports, and probe Ben’s alma mater: George Washington Law.
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3:49 - Law School Exams - A long-time listener describes how studying LSAT Logic Games helped prepare them for law school exams.
13:30 - T14 Scholarships - The guys discuss a T14 law school’s deceptive messaging about scholarships.
21:59 - Overthinking - LSAT students often blame their mistakes on “overthinking.” But you’re far more likely to miss a question because you didn’t think about it enough.
32:21 - Ask Button - Nathan and Ben celebrate the LSAT Demon Ask Button team.
34:47 - Retaking with a High Score - Ben and Nathan revisit a recent discussion about the potential downsides of retaking the LSAT when you already have a high score. The guys maintain that there’s only upside to retaking.
56:03 - What’s the Deal with…? - Nathan and Ben look into George Washington University School of Law, a regional law school in Washington, D.C.
1:29:52 - Word of the Week - We offer this podcast for your delectation.