Carrie Eckersley who is the Dietitian for the Newcastle North Primary Care Network (PCN) talks about weight management and obesity.
Some of the topics covered by Carrie in this podcast include: -
- How are weight management and obesity defined?
- Health risks associated with carrying excess weight.
- Some of the root causes of obesity.
- Support that is available to help you manage your weight.
- Weight loss drugs.
Here are the links to the services that were mentioned in the podcast: -
NHS BMI Calculator: BMI calculator | Check your BMI - NHS | Please fill in your details (
World Obesity Federation: Homepage | World Obesity Federation
NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (GP Referral required): NHS England » The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme
Staffs & SOT NHS Digital Weight Management Programme (self-referral): NHS Digital Weight Management Programme - Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, ICS (
Everyone Health Staffordshire Weight Management (self-referral): Weight Management - Everyone Health Staffordshire
Staffs and SOT Wellbeing Service (self-referral): Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Talking Therapies – Free & Confidential Talking Therapy (
We’re sure that you will find the podcast very informative and useful.