Celebrating nearly 3 years of podcasting --- here's a look back at some of the best, most inspirational and most educational content to hit The Exit Interview
One of the best things about having this podcast is getting to learn from so many amazing people and getting to add more information and more advice to my arsenal of information. Today I’m recapping the best advice from financial to balance, to marketing to parenting with guests like Heather Dubrow, Robin Arzon of Peloton, Rebecca Minkoff, Tori Dunlap of Her First 100K, Marketing Wiz Neil Patel, and parenting expert Emily Oster.
In this episode you will learn:
- Why balance is a harmful concept (2:15)
- How to deal with respecting your children’s privacy as they grow older (6:30)
- Dealing with worry and making the right decisions (11:32)