A Wade In The Water
He looked back at us, because he knew us both.
He turned quickly and left…
I had known them almost all of my life. He almost choked! He stared at me and I stared back... Scoping the position he was in he looked panicked! If only you can imagine us and our unbelief. “He doesn't live down here... What is he doing here?” You should have seen us spying, peeking through the kitchen door looking back.
That was a stressful night of restless sleep. Talking, moaning, “What was that... oh no, oh boy!”
Within hours it was... Funeral time. We had convinced ourselves that he would not dare show up again since he knew…
Some months later after this EXPOSURE, things turned TRAGIC...
To be continued in: "The Dancing Shouting Cowboy! Shepherd Of Love"
Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
Lest I Be A Castaway
Prodigal Daughter Book Series
Music by: King Dvyce
Song - “Steak and Eggs by King