The Dancing Shouting Cowboy! Shepherd Of Love
He was jumping repeatedly, dancing as they held him under both arms.
He was doing what they called the HOLY DANCE. He was shouting praises to God and looking up into the air giving thanks. He was covered in blood from head to toe.
The death of A 47-year old man, was at the hands of another by other than accident. He was murdered.
The killer was violent and communication with him was impossible, so, the Officer said, he "maced" him in the face.
What could have caused such trauma and such a heinous end to the man of the house. Who was this Shepherd of Love and what actually pushed him into such violence?
Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
Lest I Be A Castaway
Prodigal Daughter Book Series
Music by: Darryl Udell
Song - Peculiar Melodies