Shall We Dance - Chapter 11 - Namaskar
Narrated by Shantha Lakshmi.
This chapter explores the foundational elements of Bharatanatyam, focusing on Namaskar and Adavus as vital components.
Namaskar, a salutation rooted in tradition, signifies reverence to the divine, the guru, and the audience through symbolic gestures and spiritual consciousness. Adavus, the basic dance units, integrate posture, rhythm, and hand gestures, fostering technical skill and artistic coordination.
Various types of Adavus, such as Tatta, Natta, and Mettu, are described with their unique rhythmic patterns and movements. The importance of Anga Shuddha (body alignment) and Tala Shuddha (rhythmic precision) is emphasized.
Postures like Samapadam, Araimandi, and Muzhumandi provide balance and visual appeal. Stylized walking movements (Charis) and expressive hand gestures (Hasta Mudras) enrich the dance vocabulary. Overall, the chapter establishes a strong foundation for understanding Bharatanatyam's technical and expressive nuances.