Special guest Ginny talks with me about her coming out story in the world of the IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptist). We also talk about what it was like growing up in the culture of abuse and how we processed how our mental health was suppressed and could have been seriously damaged because of this religious abuse. Though we both were never victims of physical abuse the spiritual abuse we endured because of the doctrine that surrounded the Church we grew up in. Escaping fundamentalism, because that is what it was, has allowed both of us to live a more open and happier life.
This was not only a great catch up with a long time friend but was a therapeutic session in its own right. The fear the Church drilled into us for so long is something that we both are now able to chip away at, and hopefully this episode will help someone going through the same situation. #mentalhealthawareness #escapingfundamentalism #IFB #lgbtqia
🎙- Becoming a Management Scientist with Becca
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📷- itsbeccanotbecky_
🐣- Iambecs82