Charlotte Lawrence is a qualified counsellor with over 13 years of experience. She offers a professional counselling service in a supportive non-judgemental environment where you can safely and confidentially explore your concerns.
In addition to her counselling work, Charlotte is a qualified Reiki Master and practitioner (a non-invasive gentle form of healing) holding a foundation qualification in spiritual healing.
In her years of counselling, Charlotte has witnessed many clients who experience somatic pain within their bodies, which she believes, can sometimes be linked to difficult emotional life experiences or trauma.
Therefore, Charlotte offers a holistic service to address the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of clients, offering healing alongside counselling for people who feel this is appropriate for them.
During this episode of The Narrow Road, Charlotte discusses how we can give ourselves more hope and how gratitude and being mindful can help us as individuals so much.
She covers the power of affirmations and the Law of Attraction, explaining how the universe is like a big mirror and what we give out, we get back.
Charlotte can be found at: