Welcome to Chronicles of Old Singapore. LTC (Retd) Mejar Singh Gill talks to me about growing up in the Singapore Naval Base in the ‘50s and ‘60s where the Sikhs were prominent in the naval police and armed forces. He explains why he wrote the book, Singapore’s ‘Northern Sikhs'’ and their Gurdwaras, and the important role Sikh temples play in the spiritual and social life of the community.
00:00 Introduction
01:50 Sikhs in the Naval Base
05:54 Singapore’s ‘Northern Sikhs'’ and their Gurdwaras
15:27 Why Sikh Temples are Important
26:11 The Temples’ Social Functions
33:22 Challenges in Relocating the Temples
40:08 Sikh Temple at Silat Road
45:47 Sikhs in the City
Singapore’s ‘Northern Sikhs'’ and their Gurdwaras by Mejar Singh
I am Dr Loh Kah Seng, the people’s historian. In Chronicles of Old Singapore, I speak to people about their memories of Singapore before it became a global city.
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