Welcome to Chronicles of Old Singapore. After Texas Instruments, Quek Siow Kai joined the famed German company, Motoren- und Turbinen-Union. Going back to his machinery roots, he found his place there. He also talks about the rise of China into an economic giant and the loss of engineering expertise in Singapore. Finally, as one from the Chinese-educated group, he relates how many others went into business and did well, but also the need for a better balance between English and Chinese among the local Chinese.
00:00 Joining Motoren- und Turbinen-Union
08:35 Difficulties for SMEs
18:00 Rise of China
27:29 Engineering in Singapore Today
33:04 The Chinese-educated in Business
39:35 Need for Balance Between English & Chinese
I am Dr Loh Kah Seng, the people’s historian. In Chronicles of Old Singapore, I speak to people about their memories of Singapore before it became a global city.
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