Welcome to Chronicles of Old Singapore. Islanders Adam Giman and Fawzi Nasir recount their sadness at leaving St. John’s and Lazarus Islands in the 1970s and why they continue to return afterwards. Adam even got a job at PSA in order to be close to the sea. We also discuss conservation and the cultural heritage of the islands. Finally, I ask them about how they viewed Singapore from the vantage point of the islands.
00:00 Freedom & Pace of Life on the Islands
03:06 Football
06:31 The Sea as a Way of Life
09:20 Resettlement
17:29 Land Sickness
21:09 Conservation
25:12 Friends of Marine Park
31:37 View of Singapore from the Islands
I am Dr Loh Kah Seng, the people’s historian. In Chronicles of Old Singapore, I speak to people about their memories of Singapore before it became a global city.
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Write to lkshis@gmail.com if you have stories to share.
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