Please join Marsha Casper Cook, Carol Solomon Proesel, and Jeff Fleischer on Monday Sep 23 at Noon EST 11CST 10MT 9 PST for a discussion about the importance of voting and a coming sense understanding as to what the United States government actually does. Jeff Fleischer is a Chicago-based author, journalist and editor. His fiction collection, "Animal Husbandry," will be published in fall 2024 by Running Wild Press. His non-fiction books include "Votes of Confidence: A Young Person's Guide to American Elections" (Zest Books, 2024, 2020, 2016), "Civic Minded: What Everyone Should Know About the US Government" (Zest Books, 2024), "A Hot Mess: How the Climate Crisis is Changing Our World" (Zest Books, 2021), "Rockin' the Boat: 50 Iconic Revolutionaries" (Zest Books, 2015), and "The Latest Craze: A Short History of Mass Hysterias" (Fall River Press, 2011). His fiction has appeared in more than seventy publications including the Chicago Tribune's Printers Row Journal, Shenandoah, the Saturday Evening Post and So It Goes by the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library. His journalism has appeared in dozens of publications including the Chicago Tribune, Mother Jones, the Sydney Morning Herald, Chicago Magazine, National Geographic Traveler, and Mental Floss.
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