When a person follows the call of God, he is immediately persecuted by Satan and a spiritual battle looms over him and that is why this person must then claim the kingdom of God through spiritual force, in a world where only through conflict, harmony is achieved. It is not possible to detach ourselves from this materialistic and atheistic world in a peaceful way because the spiritual chains that have always tied us to the old Adam and the old Eve must be broken. Being aligned with the divine plan and working for its fulfillment cannot be realized from a fallen human nature that magnifies personal ego, selfish pride and lust that increases the spiritual inertia that brutalizes the mind and petrifies the heart, and where the person's house is empty since Christ does not live in it even though it seems immaculate. This is why God's chosen ones are the object of spiritual attacks and relentless resistance to the fulfillment of the divine will by the Evil One who seeks to destroy them and divert them from the path through the distraction and contamination of their minds when they are not full of the word of God.