In this episode of American Shadows, Gabriel and Grace take listeners back to 1621, to explore the first recorded crime in colonial America. Set in the Plymouth Colony, this fascinating case unveils how early settlers established justice in a new and challenging world. The story revolves around John Billington Jr., a teenager who created a dangerous gunpowder device, causing a major stir in the tight-knit community.
Listeners will learn how the colonists, without proper laws or courts, handled the incident with a combination of biblical principles, English common law, and the newly established Mayflower Compact. The trial, led by Governor William Bradford, featured testimony, physical evidence, and an unexpectedly progressive approach to sentencing for the time—emphasizing rehabilitation over punishment.
The episode examines the broader implications of this case on the development of American jurisprudence, the balance between mercy and justice, and the creation of laws governing dangerous weapons. Join Gabriel and Grace for a deep dive into this pivotal moment in American legal history, setting the stage for future generations.