Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Conquering Fears on Tafelberg: A Journey to Team Unity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2025-03-07-23-34-01-af Story Transcript:Af: Pieter staan by die bus se deur.En: Pieter stands by the bus door.Af: Sy hande klam van senuweeagtigheid.En: His hands are clammy from nervousness.Af: Hy kyk na Annelie, wat stralend en energiek tussen die kollegas beweeg.En: He looks at Annelie, who is radiant and energetic, moving among the colleagues.Af: Dit is Pieter se eerste keer op Tafelberg.En: It is Pieter's first time on Tafelberg.Af: Hy probeer om nie aan sy angs vir hoogtes te dink nie.En: He tries not to think about his fear of heights.Af: Die sondige geur van fynbos hang swaar in die lug, saam met die belofte van 'n lewendige spanbou dag.En: The sinful scent of fynbos hangs heavy in the air, along with the promise of a lively team-building day.Af: Frans, altyd selfversekerd en vol idees, praat oor die bestygingsstrategieë wat hy op die internet gelees het.En: Frans, always self-assured and full of ideas, talks about the climbing strategies he read about on the internet.Af: “Ons gaan die kort roete vat,” sê Frans.En: “We’re going to take the short route,” says Frans.Af: “Minder bome, maar meer rots. Perfek vir foto's!”En: “Fewer trees, but more rock. Perfect for photos!”Af: Pieter sug.En: Pieter sighs.Af: Hy stel nie belang in rots of foto's nie.En: He is not interested in rocks or photos.Af: Hy stel belang in indruk maak.En: He is interested in making an impression.Af: Almal begin die klim.En: Everyone begins the climb.Af: Die staproete is steil en die son is warm op Pieter se nek.En: The trail is steep, and the sun is warm on Pieter's neck.Af: Hy hou sy oë op die grond gefokus om nie die afgronde te sien nie.En: He keeps his eyes focused on the ground to avoid seeing the drop-offs.Af: Annelie loop langs Pieter en vra hoe hy die dag tot dusfar ervaar.En: Annelie walks next to Pieter and asks how he is experiencing the day so far.Af: Met 'n glimlag antwoord hy, maar sy hande bly steeds styf om sy waterbottel geklem.En: With a smile, he responds, but his hands remain tightly clenched around his water bottle.Af: By 'n smal ledge stop die groep.En: At a narrow ledge, the group stops.Af: Die uitsig oor Kaapstad is skouspelagtig, die golwe wat die strande ontmoet onder die groot blou hemel.En: The view over Kaapstad is spectacular, the waves meeting the beaches under the vast blue sky.Af: "Kyk net daar," roep Frans uit.En: "Just look there," Frans exclaims.Af: Maar vir Pieter is die dieptes benoud.En: But for Pieter, the depths are daunting.Af: Hy los sy waterbottel neer en asem diep in.En: He sets down his water bottle and takes a deep breath.Af: Pieter weet hy moet 'n keuse maak.En: Pieter knows he must make a choice.Af: Bly hy hier, of stap hy verder saam met die groep?En: Does he stay here, or does he continue with the group?Af: Sy hart klop soos 'n trom.En: His heart beats like a drum.Af: Hy dink aan die bevordering, maar ook aan die verhouding met sy kollegas.En: He thinks about the promotion but also about the relationship with his colleagues.Af: Dan weet hy, hy wil nie net "daar" kom nie, hy wil "hier" wees, saam met hulle.En: Then he knows he doesn’t just want to "be there," he wants to "be here," with them.Af: Met 'n nuwe vastberadenheid beweeg Pieter vorentoe.En: With newfound determination, Pieter moves forward.Af: “Kom ons stap,” sê hy met meer oortuiging as wat hy voel.En: “Let’s walk,” he says with more confidence than he feels.Af: Frans draai om en glimlag breed, terwyl Annelie haar goedkeur aan hom gee.En: Frans turns and smiles broadly, while Annelie gives her approval.Af: Die groep volg hom en Pieter lei, al is dit net vir 'n kort stukkie, die pad.En: The group follows him, and Pieter leads the way, even if just for a short piece.Af: Later, wanneer hulle almal onder die skadu van 'n groot boom sit en hul toebroodjies eet, voel Pieter 'n trots wat hy nie verwag het nie.En: Later, when they all sit under the shade of a big tree eating their sandwiches, Pieter feels a pride he did not expect.Af: Sy vrese blyk nie meer so groot nie, die wêreld nie so eng nie.En: His fears seem not so big anymore, the world not so narrow.Af: Op die bus terug, terwyl die herinneringe van die dag in sy gedagtes gly, voel Pieter hoe 'n band met sy kollegas vorm.En: On the bus back, as the memories of the day slide through his mind, Pieter feels a bond forming with his colleagues.Af: Dit is nie net die bereiking van die top wat saak maak nie, besef hy, maar die pad saam daarheen.En: It is not just reaching the top that matters, he realizes, but the journey there together.Af: En met daardie gedagte, glimlag hy vir die eerste keer voluit.En: And with that thought, he smiles fully for the first time.Af: Wanneer Pieters se baas hom die volgende week komplimenteer oor hoe hy die span geïnspireer het, weet ...