Steve Farrell attained the pinnacle of success as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, founding two high-tech firms. Then he pivoted to lead Humanity's Team, a global nonprofit helping people everywhere awaken to our interconnectedness through platforms such as their Humanity Stream+ streaming service. After contributing to the Gold Nautilus Award-winning book, Our Moment of Choice-Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future, Steve authored A New Universal Dream, which details his journey from a young entrepreneur to a life in service to humanity.
In his (10.23'23) online article, From Microcosm to Macrocosm: Understanding Our Place in the Cosmic Consciousness, Steve Farrell emphasizes the profound interconnectedness between humans and the universe. Advocating for a cosmic perspective, Steve highlights that while humans might appear insignificant in the vastness of space, our existence and consciousness are intimately linked to the cosmos. He observes this interconnectedness as a shared experience and urges a shift from individualism to a collective consciousness that respects and nurtures our planet and the cosmic order